We have just added a new website feature for our Azalea Chapter members: a discussion forum. This forum is limited to members of our chapter and our close friends.

Create an Account

You must first create an account to use the forum, and your user account must be approved by the site administrator before you can access the forum.

The reason is two-fold: Public forum sites get all sorts of spam and worse. We are not interested in how to make an extra $2,000 a month from our home with almost no effort. In just a few days of creating the forum, we received several requests to join from foreign addresses with unintelligible names. How they found us so quickly I do not know. Secondly, our intention is to have a small group where one will feel able to ask questions without being intimidated. You will be among friends here, with novices and experts both, ready to learn, share experiences, and tell stories of what we have seen in the woods or in our gardens.

Access the Forum

To join the forum, click on the Forums tab at the top of the page and create a new account. we will need your name, a short user name, and email address. You will also choose a password to secure you account. Your account must be approved by the website administrator. Once approved, to access the forum topics, just login with your user name and password and click on the topics you want to see or enter a new one.

Start Discussing

It is easy to add a new topic yourself or reply to one already posted. Click on the appropriate button and start typing. When finished, click on Preview and finally click Submit.


If you have any questions after signing up, just ask in the General Topics category. We'll try to get you an answer. We are just learning ourselves.

Not a Member? Please Join

If you are not yet a member of our chapter, join us. We like to share information on azaleas and other rhododendrons.